Cancellation conditions and booking information
Important information about your booking
Please find below our cancellation conditions and general course information. If you still have questions, we will be happy to help you personally on the phone +43 (0)6433 7538) or by e-mail.
Cancellation policy and course information
For private and group courses a free cancellation is possible up to 24 hours before the start of the course. If the cancellation is made at a later date, 50% of the course fee will be charged as a cancellation fee.
A price refund due to injury or illness during the course is only possible on presentation of a doctor’s certificate.
In the event of a free cancellation or refund, we may charge a processing fee of up to 5% depending on the payment method.
Our group lessons start every Sunday or Monday and take place from Sunday till Thursday/Friday. A course entry on other days can be arranged on request. Advanced children and participants of our Mini Club can join an existing group daily from Sunday till Friday.
Group lessons are hold with a minimum number of 4 participants. If a group reduces to less than 4 participants, we reserve the right to merge existing groups or to reduce the total number of lessons.
Group courses do not take place on Saturdays. If there are 4 or more participants, we also offer courses at the weekend.
During the main holiday periods (Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Easter) group courses are held continuously.
On appointment private lessons and private courses can be booked daily, also on Saturdays.
There is the possibility of a repeated ski instructor change because of the flexible organization. Course cancellations due to weather conditions cannot be replaced. Private and group courses take place in all weather conditions.
The course ticket is not transferable. If course days are not used, they will be expired. The course price does not include the use of the ski lifts.
Furthermore, our current terms and conditions apply.